Zero Waste Living explained

The world produces a 2.3 billions of waste each year. Much of that trash contributes to the harmful pollution of our oceans and lands. Scary fact; Americans produce three times more than the global average.

2020 was the rise of zero waste living. The name itself can be intimidating for some. And some may shy away completely because it sounds challenging. So what exactly does zero waste living mean?

Zero-waste living means reducing your waste to a minimum. Or waste as little as possible. Plastic is mother nature’s non-renewable resource, and the biggest problem right now.

The zero waste movement started with the known fact that global warming is a huge threat to the planet and humanity. Though most contribution to global warming comes from massive companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron, we as one person can still have an impact. Treat the world with love and respect and work on our karma.

The other reason is that recycling isn’t the solution. Recycling plastic is actually a misconception. Plastic is not recycled, it is downcycled.

This means it gets downcycled to poorer forms of plastic until it can’t be downcycled any further and sits in landfills. Of the 78 billion kilograms plastic packaging material produced in 2013, only 14% were collected for recycling and just 2 percent efficiently recycled.

Recycling should be the last option. The best option is to lower your waste and avoid plastic packaging altogether.

Here are some easy eco friendly swaps to make at home to start with:

  • Replace plastic garbage bags with biodegradable ones.
  • Replace your disposables, like paper napkins, with reusables, like cloth napkins.
  • Make secondhand your first choice.
  • Swap plastic bags for snack containers or washable baggies.
  • Swap plastic wrap for beeswax wrap or reusable lids
  • Swap your to-go coffee cup with one you bring from home. They are fun and come in many colors and materials
  • Swap single use cleaners for refillable, eco-friendly products. Like these ones from Blueland or grove.
  • Swap plastic straws for a stainless steel straw you can always bring with you. 
  • Swap plastic water bottles and refill a reusable one.
  • Swap plastic bags at the grocery store for reusable totes & produce bags.
  • Swap cotton balls for washable rounds to remove makeup.
  • Swap your plastic razor for a steel razor 
  • Swap your regular toilet paper with bamboo ones.
  • Swap your plastic dish brush with coconut brushes or bamboo ones 
  • If you have a dog, swap their poop bags with biodegradable ones made out of plant based starch blend.
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